Dare I say that I have embarked on part Deux of shitake log inoculation. With the recent find of a few down oak trees at our pool, I decided to take advantage. No reason for one of those trees to not continue to be useful. Doug Mims helped me saw them up into 3-4′ sections, and I hauled them home. The great thing about this is the timing. It is almost 6 months since I inoculated my first set of logs. It will be interesting to see if the warm weather strain does better on logs inoculated in winter or summer. Also, the newer logs looked a little fresher and cleaner in terms of other growth on the bark.
Check out these pics. On the left is the inoculation date and mushroom spore type. On the right, my stack.
As you can see…
no shitake growth yet. We are still early, but doesn’t this wood get you excited.